


President Macron at VEsrailels Congress (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
Cheateu de Versailles
(Source: Courtesy Macron)
USPA NEWS - The President Republic Emmanuel Macron presented his speech to the parliament (All Deputies and Senators) and government ministers, as well as the President of the National Assembly, Francois Rugy and the President of the Senate Gerard Archer, in Versailles. This parliamentary convocation in Versailles was exceptional and was not carried out until 2015 following the attacks of Charlie, when his predecessor Francois Hollande had thus announced the future law on the deprivation of nationality and the prolongation of the state of emergency. The speech lasted 1 hour and a half, which is rather long, according to criticism of the opposition. The group of "France Insoumise", whose leader Jean Luc Mélenchon boycotted this event and apple to demonstrate in the place of the Republic, 3 hours after the speech of President Macron. The rest of the other deputies, namely the 431 since from "The Republic on March" including the opposition were present and even warmly applauded the speech of the prize with a standing ovation for the majority of them. Prior to his speech, President of the National Assembly, Francois Rugy announced a minute of silence in homage to the recent death of Simone Veil.
Chateau de Versailles
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron presented his speech to the parliament (All Deputies and Senators) and government ministers, as well as the President of the National Assembly, Francois Rugy and the President of the Senate Gerard Archer, in Versailles. This parliamentary convocation in Versailles was exceptional and was not carried out until 2015 following the attacks of Charlie, when his predecessor Francois Hollande had thus announced the future law on the deprivation of nationality and the prolongation of the state of emergency. The speech lasted 1 hour and a half, which is rather long, according to criticism of the opposition. The group of "France Insoumise", whose leader Jean Luc Mélenchon boycotted this event and apple to demonstrate in the place of the Republic, 3 hours after the speech of President Macron. The rest of the other deputies, namely the 431 since from "The Republic on March" including the opposition were present and even warmly applauded the speech of the prize with a standing ovation for the majority of them.---------------------------------------------------- Prior to his speech, the President of the National Assembly, Francois Rugy announced a minute of silence in homage to the recent death of Simone Veil a great icon of France, who was a great French politician survivor of Auscwhwitz, And who had passed the law of abortion. Simone Veil, who was the favorite feminine personality of the franchise and died at the age of 89, will have a tribute ceremony at the Invalides presided by President Macron in a state funeral on Wednesday, July 5th.
President Macron at Versailles Congress
Source: Courtesy Emmnauel Macron
Attached is the full speech of President Macron. THE FRENCH PEOPLE HAVE REQUESTED PROFOUND ALTERNATIVES------------------------------------------------------ In Article 18, the Constitution allows the President of the Republic to address the parliament convened for this purpose in Congress. There are hours that of this possibility make a necessity, the hours that we live are of those. On May 7, the French gave me a clear mandate, on June 18 they amplified their strength by electing a large parliamentary majority in the National Assembly. Today I want to talk about the mandate that the people have given us, the institutions that I want to change, and the principles of action I intend to follow.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are a thousand different paths that have brought us here today, you and I, animated by the same desire to serve and even if this desire does not have the same face, not the same form, Does not carry the same consequences, we know you and me the source, this simple love of the fatherland. Some have been doing politics for a long time; For others, including myself, I do not. You will support or fight, according to your convictions, the government I have appointed, but in the end we all know that something very profound brings us together, animates, and engages us. Yes, the simple love of the homeland that it is incarnated in the solitude of the hills of Haute-Provence or the Ardennes, in the sadness of the great ensembles where part of our youth is spoiled, in the countryside sometimes hard to Live and work, in the industrial deserts but also in the surprising gaiety of the beginnings.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From this love we all, I believe, draw the same impatience which is an impatience to act. It sometimes takes the features of voluntary optimism, at other times those of a sincere anger, it always follows from this same origin. We have you and I received the mandate of the people; Whether given to us by the whole Nation or by the electors of a district, does not alter its strength; Whether it was borne by direct suffrage or indirect suffrage, does not alter its nature; Whether it has been achieved some time ago or recently at the end of a campaign where all opinions have been expressed in their diversity and you embody these different opinions here today does not change anything Collective obligation that weighs on us. This obligation is that of a resolute transformation, and profoundly sharp with the immobile years or with the agitated years all with equally disappointing results, it is by this way that we will find what we lacked so much, confidence in ourselves, Force to fulfill our ideals. What is asked of us by the people is to reconnect with the spirit of conquest that has made it to finally reconcile it with itself. By electing you, in your radical newness to the National Assembly, the French people have shown their impatience towards a political world too often made up of quarrels and empty ambitions in which we had lived until then. It is also a way of seeing the policy that he gave away. By trusting the women and men here together, the French have expressed an imperious expectation, a desire for a profound alternation, and I am sure that you are here as conscious as I am, and I know Have a full consciousness, although their election is more ancient, because they have perceived them so attentive by nature to the movements of the times, the new hopes which the expression of direct universal suffrage has given rise to.
Chateau de Versailles
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
THE MANDATE OF THE PEOPLE IS THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE NATION---------------------------------------------------- To be faithful to what the French people wanted was to assume a certain form of asceticism, a strengthened demand, a special dignity and no doubt even more today than yesterday. Bad habits return quickly; Marked by a period of cynicism, discouragement, and I dare to say of flatness, many are still speculating on a failure that would justify their skepticism. It will be up to us, it will be up to us to deny them and it will be up to us to convince all those who wait, who trust us with lip service, all those who have not voted, all those also anger and disgust at the Inefficiency, our inefficiency very often have led to extreme choices on either side of the political spectrum and which are choices which France in its greatness as in its happiness has nothing to expect. This mandate of the people we have received, what exactly is it? To find out, we must get out of this climate of false trials where the public debate has locked us up too long. We must find fresh air, serenity, gaiety; There must be an effort because these false trials are numerous. Is it a question of reforming labor law in order to liberate, to boost employment for the benefit of those who do not? We will be told that it is a matter of adapting France to the cruelties of the globalized world or of satisfying the dictates of Brussels! Is it to reduce our public spending to prevent our children from paying the price of our renunciations? We will be told that we are questioning our social model.------------------------------------ Is this a way out of a state of emergency? We will be told on the one hand that we are leaving France defenseless in the face of terrorism and on the other that we are giving away our freedoms. Well, nothing, none of this is true.--------------------------- Behind all these false trials is the same vice, the vice that has poisoned the public debate for too long: the denial of reality, the refusal to see reality in its complexity and constraints; The blindness in the face of a state of emergency which is as economical and social as it is safe. Thereupon I have always considered that the French people were wiser and more prudent than many think. So much so that I deeply believe that the mandate we have received from the people is a mandate that is both demanding and deeply realistic, and that in order to accomplish it we must place ourselves beyond the sterility of these purely theoretical oppositions, , If they guarantee great success of tribune, bring nothing. Our first duty is both to regain the sense and the force of an ambitious project of transformation of our country and to remain docked to reality. To yield nothing to the principle of pleasure, to easy words, to illusions to face the reality of our country in all its forms.-------------------------- ALIENATION TO POVERTY FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS AND ISLAMIST TERROR TO RESTORE FULL SOVERIGHNTY--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mandate of the French people therefore, what is it?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is primarily the mandate of the sovereignty of the Nation. It is to be able to dispose of oneself, in spite of the constraints and the disturbances of the world. Let's face it. The forces of alienation are extremely powerful.------------------------------------ Alienation to the new division of labor that is emerging in a deeply transforming universe, where digital recomposes entire sectors of the economy, shakes up balances and jobs.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alienation to poverty, to poverty, or even to dissatisfaction, if we do not allow everyone to find work that corresponds to him, that he is happy to fulfill, a place and a dignity that is his in the society.----------------------------------------------------------------- Alienation to financial constraint, if we do not restore our budget, if we do not reduce our public debt.---------------------------- Alienation to the will of other countries, in Europe as in our alliances, if we do not put our affairs in order.----------------------- Alienation to Islamist terror, if we do not find the means to destroy it without giving way to our values, our principles. Alienation of our future, if we fail to organize the ecological transition, to protect the planet.---------------------------------------- The alienation of our life in what it has most daily, if the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, are imposed on us, and for the worse, An international competition that has become anarchic. I firmly believe that on all these points the people have given us the mandate to restore their full sovereignty.
Facade Chateau de Versailles
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Gallery of Kings Versailles
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Make Our Planet Great Again Banner
Source: Make Our Planet Great Again
King Louis Forteen Versailles
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
THE PROGERSSIST MANDATE IS THAT OF DEEP CHANGE AND HOPE-------------------------------------------------------- But it is also the mandate of the progressive project, a project of profound change and transformation. Our fellow citizens have chosen a country that is moving forward, which is returning to optimism and hope. They did it because they know, because we know very well, that in a world shattered by profound changes, without this movement, without this creative energy, France is not France. They know, because it has been our common experience in recent years, that an arrested France is sinking and divides, that a France, frightened, shriveled and victim, exhausts itself in sterile quarrels and produces nothing but misfortune , Individual misfortune and collective misfortune------------------------------------------------------------------------ It is there, our historical mission. This mission, mine, that of the Government, yours, is not devolved to a small number. It is vested in everyone because everyone has his share. France possesses treasures of creativity, inexhaustible resources. But I do not just think of all our talents here; I think of every Frenchman, every Frenchman, anxious to do well and to lead a life worthy of him.It is there, the true wealth of a country, and the mandate given to us is to create unity in which there was division; To restore to those who are excluded the mere dignity of existence, their rightful place in the national project: to allow those who create, invent, innovate, undertake, to realize their projects; To give power to those who want to do and do. The mandate of the people is not to establish the government of an elite for itself, but to restore to the people this collective dignity which is not amenable to any exclusion.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But here we are: so far, too often, we have gone wrong. We have preferred the procedures to the results, the regulation to the initiative, the society of the annuity to the society of justice. And I believe deeply that through our recent choices, our people are asking us to take a radically new path. For my part, I refuse to choose between ambition and the spirit of justice. I refuse this dogma that to build equality, one should renounce excellence, no more than to succeed, one must not give up giving a place to everyone. The very salt of our Republic is to know how to conjugate these demands, yes, to do all this, in a way, "at the same time". This way is disorienting, I hear it well, all those who had become accustomed to making a career out of the old patterns. This is the case in every period when renewal is necessary and where anxiety may arise in certain places. But we have to take stock of the efforts that will be imposed on us by this formidable thirst for renewal, of which we, you and I, are the bearers. THE MANDATE OF THE PEOPLE IS THAT OF CONFIDENCE AND TRANSPARENCY--------------------------------------- The mandate of the people is also the mandate of trust and transparency. We are an old political people, politics is important to our fellow citizens, we ask for everything, sometimes too much, we are often resented, sometimes too much, and it is because it is so essential that the French had Ended by being exasperated by the confiscated hope. But you are here and all the custodians of this desire for change that is forbidden us to betray. And this change must also be about behavior, there can be no reform without confidence, there can be no confidence if the political world continues to appear even if it is mostly unfair like the world of small Arrangements to a thousand places of the preoccupations of the French.----------------------------- The law that the government will propose to your votes has no other purpose, we have already changed for several years and we have changed into good. We have ceased to bear what seemed almost normal in the past, opacity, clientelism, conflicts of interest, everything that is part of an almost impalpable form of ordinary corruption. For all that, no one is irreproachable because if the requirement must be constant, if we are all depositaries of the dignity that befits our functions and every day compels us, perfection does not exist. Yes, we want a society of trust and for that a law is not enough. It is a behavior of every day but we also want this confidence because the society of the denunciation and generalized suspicion which was until then the consequence of the impunity of some powerful does not please us any more.
King Louis Forteen Versailles
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
THE FORCE OF POLITICS IS IN THE NAME OF THE MAN OF HIS DESTINY AND ITS GROWTH The law of the government will be voted, I do not doubt it, but after it has been called, I call for restraint, I call to put an end to this incessant search for the scandal, with the permanent rape of the presumption Innocence, with this hunt for man, where reputations are sometimes destroyed, and where the recognition of the innocence of months and years later does not make the tenth of the noise that the initial indictment had made. This frenzy that has affected all camps for so many months, sometimes so many years is unworthy of us and the principles of the Republic. Finally, the mandate of the people is the mandate of historical fidelity. The French ask their government to remain faithful to the history of France, but it is necessary to agree on the meaning given to these words. In recent years, history has been taken hostage by the political debate. We have seen the pro-colonial history of repentance, history of identity and multiculturalism, history closed and history open, and it is not for the executive or legislative power to enact the national novel. Whether we want to give it a reactionary form or a progressive form does not mean that the history of France does not exist, that we must not be proud of it while lucidly looking at its parts of shadow, its baseness. But for us it must take the form not of a commentary, not of a claim or a transformation but of a resolute action in favor of the best. Because it is in this action that we can find the great examples of the past, nourish and prolong them. And in the end we, too, will have made the story without claiming to ourselves what it could be but looking at the real and keeping our minds and our wishes tended towards the best is what we Let us call progressivism. It is not to think that any novelty is necessarily good, it is not to espouse all the modes of the time, it is at every moment not after to discern what must be corrected, amended, corrected, Which in some places must be more deeply refounded. What society lacks to become fairer and more effective or more accurately more just because more effective, more effective because more just. It is an ethics of action and shared responsibility, it is fidelity to our history and our republican project in action because the Republic is not fixed laws, abstract principles, it is a Ideal of freedom, equality, fraternity, each day re-sculpted and rethought to the test of reality. Political action has meaning only if it is precisely accomplished in the name of a certain idea of “‹“‹man, of his destiny, his unsurpassable value and his greatness. This idea France has been wearing for a long time, nothing else should count in our eyes, it is not the company of entrepreneurs that we want or the society of the balance of public finances or the society of innovation, All that is good, all this is useful, but they are merely instruments at the service of the only worthy cause, a cause to which the name of France has long been attached, and this cause is the cause of man. We are differing between ourselves and here on the means but I am sure that we do not differ on this goal and know it and remind us constantly sometimes in the worst moments should return to our public debate that dignity, So many collective failures and failures have cruelly missed him in recent years. It is in the light of this mandate of the people that we have to build our policy for the next five years.
Edouard Philippe French Prime Minister
Source: Official Edouard Philippe
EFFECTIVENESS REPRESENTATIVITY AND RESPONSIBILITY ACCORDING TO THE CHARTER OF THE ELECTORAL CAMPAIGN As you know, and as you know already intimately, we do not have five years of adjustments and half measures, the French are not animated by a patient curiosity but by an intransigent demand. The deep transformation they are waiting for, hoping for, demanding, not dreading, let us embrace it on the contrary. The charter of our action was fixed during the campaign and you know the milestones on which I will not return. The commitments will be kept, the reforms and their profound transformations to which I am committed will be conducted. The Prime Minister, Edouard PHILIPPE, whom I have appointed to be the depositary at the head of the government of these commitments, will present the implementation in his policy speech. But all this will only be possible if we have a strong Republic and there is no strong Republic without powerful institutions. Born of troubled times, our institutions are resistant to crises and turbulence, they have demonstrated their solidity but as all institutions they are also what men do. For several decades now, the spirit that gave birth to them has been spoiled by the renunciation and the bad habits. As the guarantor of the good functioning of the public authorities, I will follow three principles: efficiency, representativeness and responsibility.---------------------------------------------------------------- BETTER LEGISLATION AND MORE LEGISLATION----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Efficiency first, we need time to think about the law, time to conceive, discuss and vote it, time also to ensure the right conditions for its application. To wish that our institutions are more efficient is not to sacrifice to the cult of speed, but to give priority to the result. Let us know how to put an end to the legislative proliferation, this disease we know, it has been so many and so named and I myself fear in a past life to have participated. It weakens the law which loses in the accumulation of texts a part of its vigor and certainly of its meaning. Such a circumstance, such an unforeseen circumstance, a novelty, can not dictate the work of the legislator, for the law is not made to serve slavishly in the life of our country; it is designed to frame its profound tendencies, The essential debates and to set a course. It clearly accompanies the beginnings of a mandate. But to legislate less then is to devote more attention to the fundamental texts, to these laws coming to answer a legal vacuum, coming to illuminate an unprecedented situation, that is the role of the Parliament. To legislate less is better to allocate the parliamentary time, it is in particular to reserve of this time to the control and the evaluation. I know that many of you have already thought a great deal about this and I do not underestimate the progress made in recent years in this area. But we must go even further because voting the law can not be the first and last act of Parliament. Our societies have become too complex and too rapid for a law to produce its full effect without coming up against the principle of reality. TEXTS OF LAW WILL BE EVALUATED BY SOCIAL DAILOUE AND REFERENDUM---------------------------------------- The voice of the citizens concerned by the texts you are voting can not be perceived as an attack on legislative dignity, it is life, it is the real, it is what you work for, we work. For this reason, it is now an ardent obligation to properly follow the application of a law, to ensure its relevance over time, its effects in time to correct it or to return to it.------------------------------ For all these reasons I would like to see a full evaluation of all the important texts, such as the one on social dialogue or the fight against terrorism, which we have recently laid the groundwork for, in application. It is even desirable to evaluate the usefulness of older laws in order to open up the possibility of repealing laws that would have been too quickly adopted, poorly constructed or whose existence today would The good progress of French society.
President Macron at Versailles Congress
Source: Courtesy Emanuel macron
Finally, the pace of legislation design must be responsive to the needs of society. There are urgent situations in which the pace of parliamentary work does not allow us to deal quickly enough. Consider the practice of digital practices in the protection of copyright, the privacy of our fellow citizens or Of national security. Our collective time is now too slow and it is necessary that in the long time of the legislative work that I have just mentioned is added the faculty of acting fast. So the shuttle could be simplified, I think you should be able in the simplest cases to vote the law in committee, all of which you have for many of you worked hard, all this must be seriously studied but for now do it. REDUCTION OF THE NUMBER OF SPEAKERS OF 1/3 I am not unaware of the constraints weighing on you, the lack of resources, the lack of teams, the lack of space, somewhat frustrate the efficiency imperatives that I am submitting to you. For this, it is a measure long desired by our compatriots that it seems to me indispensable to implement, the reduction of the number of parliamentarians. A smaller Parliament but strengthened in its means is a Parliament where work becomes more fluid, where parliamentarians can surround themselves with better trained and more numerous collaborators, it is a Parliament that works better. That is why I will propose a one-third reduction in the membership of the three constitutional assemblies. I am convinced that this will have a positive impact on the overall quality of parliamentary work. This is not to give way to ambivalent antiparliamentarism, on the contrary, because the French for the most part are also certain, this reform is indispensable. This reform, which must be carried out by ensuring the fair representation of all territories of the Republic, hexagonal and ultramarine, is not intended to nourish this ambivalent antiparliamentarism, it aims to give the elected representatives of the Republic more means and more weight. The duty of efficiency can not only influence Parliament. The executive must take its share. First, precisely, in relation to Parliament. That is why, ladies and gentlemen, I wanted to reserve for you, and through you, the French, my first political expression since my election. Too many of my predecessors have been criticized for not having done the pedagogy of their action, nor for having explained the meaning and the direction of their mandate. Too many of them also took initiatives, of which Parliament was only secondarily informed, so that I did not satisfy myself to continue the method.---------------------------------------------------------- EACH YEAR THE PRESIDNET MACRON WILL REPORT BEFORE THE VERSAILLES CONGRESS---------------------- "Every year, therefore, I will come back to you to see you. If the consideration and benevolence which this translates towards the Parliament appear to some as a condemnable drift, it is doubtless that they have of their role of parliamentarian and the role of the President of the Republic a vague conception that mask Evil doctrinaire arrogance or sectarianism. It is still a matter of concern that representatives of the people will evade the rules of the Constitution that elected them. SIEYES and MIRABEAU did not, I believe, desert so promptly the mandate given them by the people. The President of the Republic must fix the meaning of the quinquennium and that is what I have come to do before you. It is up to the Prime Minister who directs the Government's action to give it substance. He has the onerous task of ensuring coherence of actions, conducting transformations, making arbitrations and, with ministers, presenting them to you. I hope that this responsibility will make sense.------------------------------------------------------------------ That is why I will ask the Prime Minister to assign to each of the clear objectives of which he will be accountable on an annual basis. Similarly, efficiency requires ministers to be at the heart of public action and to find a more direct contact with their administration. The reduction I wanted to ten of the number of associates in the firm, such as the renewal of all the directors of central administration, meets this priority. It is a question of returning to the directors of administration, having at that time the full confidence of the Government, direct knowledge of the policy which they will have to implement and thus to share, within the Government and the whole administration , The shared responsibility of which the people have set the course."

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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